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Recently three friends who share a passion
for motorbikes set out on a 24-hour
900-mile charity ride - calling at
three Butlins holiday camps around
the UK.

Paul Mulcock, Kevin Leonard
and Tim Szoradi raised £3,000
for Cancer Research UK with
their Ride4Life trek taking in the
Butlins centres at Skegness,
Bognor Regis and Minehead.


Go for it!

We ask our candidates to take a leap,
to challenge themselves and operate
outside their previous comfort zone.
My biking exploits, endurance rides, bike tour of Africa with Nick Sanders
(Fastest man to circumnavigate the world on a motor bike)
and track days are my way of doing that.

I can't ask a candidate to go for it if I'm not familiar with the
challenges they are being encouraged to face and the rewards one gets
from attacking a challenge and succeeding. Risk brings reward and
building a career like tacking an adventure takes guts, self belief and the
desire to succeed. Passion and confidence are central to achieving one's
goals and I try to keep that truth very much at the front of my mind
professionally and personally "

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The Federation of Small Businesses
- Take an Adventurous Leap into the Unknown

- Cancer Research Challenge 2012

- Find Out More About the MD's Sponsored Motor Bike Ride
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